Monday, April 23, 2007

Now You Can Use TransGaurdian's Label Maker Without Declared Value

Many clients enjoy the benefits of producing online US Postal Service labels with TransGuardian, as opposed to paying a monthly fee for a postal meter.

In the near future, TransGuardian will also offer online labels for UPS, FedEx, DHL, and Canada Post.

TransGuardian's policy is not to mark up freight. So if you have a great rate with one of the carriers, you can continue to enjoy it directly through TransGuardian. Our revenue comes from providing Secure Transit Coverage on the declared value of packages.

However, TransGuardian does have costs associated with the generation of labels. That means we pay a per-label fee.

In order to keep our charges as low as possible and to avoid charging a monthly per label fee, we have decided to add minimum per-label charges for packages with no declared value, as follows:

Express Mail or Overnight with UPS, FedEx or DHL: $0.75
Priority Mail or 2nd Day with UPS, FedEx or DHL: $0.50
First Class Mail or Ground with UPS, FedEx or DHL: $0.25

We believe this will offer our customers continued savings and advantages without compelling TransGuardian to impose monthly or membership fees.

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